Final considerations on “Lost”

Today I finally got the chance to watch the Lost finale after ten years since its airing and so I decided to put on paper (virtually ahah) my final thoughts about the whole series .
I started watching Lost during the last year of high school remembering some random episodes few years ago and how I found them intriguing.
Well you can love it or hate it but “Lost” is definitely  a mystic experience. My personal interpretation is that every character was “chosen” because their common life had something missing . So based on this point of view the Island can be regarded as a place of redemption where everyone had to face their past fears and inner demons .
In fact the framework of every episode is nearly identical : it’s a constant alternation between life before the plane crash and the present which helps you understand what every character leaves  behind and is facing iduring the aftermath.
During these six seasons the viewer witnesses “departures” and “arrivals”  ; but also manifestations of every kind of emotions from love , hate , revenge , friendship and regrets .
The tv show deals with the theme of fate and predestination in a subtle manner :avoiding spoilers for those who haven’t watched it I ‘m just gonna say that I was surprised when I realized that those “elements” which seemed meaningless in the first seasons were “explained” in the last episodes.
Of course I still have tons and tons of unanswered questions but without any doubts the screenwriters managed to weave a complex puzzle where each piece has its counterpart.
Fnally I think that every viewer will render the show according to its own “filters” or personal experience but one thing it’s sure : from the first episode to the very last one you’ll not be the same .
Farewell Lost ! (Until the first rewatch!!)
